Friday, September 23, 2011

Something Inspiring

I was recently contacted by a teacher with as she put it "somewhat of an odd request." She really liked what I call my i line and wanted to use the concept in an exercise with a group of her kids. They would be able to define themselves visually and she would get to know a little more about them and use this as a lead in to describe graphic design. This is the best odd request I have ever had, so much so that I asked her if she would take some photos so I could share it here on my blog.
And here is the, I have to say, really COOL outcome of this exercise. These kids inspired me. I love that they brought such energy to the pieces. They started out with the stem of the i being blank and filled in the word that best described them. Take a look at the outcome. Enjoy!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Can I Date?

This little tyke told me that he is old enough to date. Wha? Whaaat??? Ok, so he is the ripe old age of eleven. However, that's not old enough for Mama! Yep that's right good ole' me. What ever happened to crushes for goodness sake? They are gone and out the door. In their place are little girls already asking him if he wants to date? My answer is date who?

I know, I know, eventually I'll have to let him go but excuse me if I take my time. Can any of you relate?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Something New In The Studio

Lots of creating happening in the studio, getting ready for the holidays. Here is a new addition to my Words To Live By series. It's about not being paralyzed by fear. Things that we thought would be scary turn out to be quite the opposite if we just take a chance. I grew up in Volkswagon bugs, hence the red bug. What do you think?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Something New In the Studio

I was feeling a bit overwhelmed one day and I had to get a grip. This is what I told myself.

You can find it in my shop at 10 Camelia Way.